A strike by clerical works has halted work for an estimated 5,000 truckers serving ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The strike continues for the 4th day. The Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor Employers Associations are continuing negotiations with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63 Office Clerical Unit. Other ILWU have refused to cross OCU picket lines, which had idled cargo from moving.
Union members have said the dispute is over job security and outsourcing. The LA/LB HEA is a not-for-profit organization representing the region’s shipping agencies and terminal operators which assists in administration of labor contracts.
Art Wong, a POLB spokesman, said the strike had resulted in possibly 5,000 to 6,000 truckers not working.
We care deeply about all truckers who struggle to keep working during tough times like these. At Berrier Insurance, we've been saving truckers serious money for over 30 years on their big rig insurance. Call us today to see if we can help you out! 888-472-4915
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday, November 2, 2012
Commercial Truck Beauty Show
Any one in Utah this weekend? Berrier Insurance, commercial truck insurance specialist, just heard about the Pride and Polish truck event going on in St. George, Utah. show will feature a truck light show at dusk on Friday and a dyno
competition on Saturday. The dyno event will allow owners the chance to
showcase their engine horsepower and torque, and prizes will be awarded
for the highest horsepower classes in Caterpillar, Cummins and Detroit
engines. Not to mention free lunch will be offered to all attendees on Saturday! So if you are near there this weekend check it out! Click here to register for the Pride & Polish and Wash & Show event, or visit PDI’s site to register for the dyno competition.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Commercial Truck Insurance Halloween Horror
Its almost Halloween!!! This Diva's favorite time of year! Berrier Insurance, your commercial truck insurance specialist, is getting ready. We have the candy out, the decorations up, and we are making plans for our evening of fun. Of course plenty of conversations about who is dressing as what this year. So what are you guys have planned this year? Any crazy costumes? Or any one planing on decking out their beloved truck? Need inspiration? Here are a few photos of some really cool trucks with crazy, spooky, and even bizarre themes.
Some of these images provided by OverDriveOnline.com
Wow some of these are really impressive! No matter what you do this Halloween though make sure your truck is covered, who knows you just might hit a werewolf. Berrier Insurance and its team of dedicated agents have nearly 50 years of combined experience insuring the commercial trucking industry. With our commercial truck insurance expertise, you can trust us to provide you with the policies you need, at rates you can afford.
Some of these images provided by OverDriveOnline.com
Wow some of these are really impressive! No matter what you do this Halloween though make sure your truck is covered, who knows you just might hit a werewolf. Berrier Insurance and its team of dedicated agents have nearly 50 years of combined experience insuring the commercial trucking industry. With our commercial truck insurance expertise, you can trust us to provide you with the policies you need, at rates you can afford.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Berrier Insurance Staff Update
Hi all! We are back!!! Its been crazy busy here at Berrier Insurance with a lot of changes going on and even more to come! Business is good and most importantly our truckers and contractors are happy!
One of the biggest changes in the office, some of you have already heard, our beloved Linda is no longer a part of our team. She has moved on to other endeavors and we wish her the best of luck! We will miss her but will always consider one of the Berrier Insurance Divas!
Now we welcome Kelly Frame into the family as a new CSR in training! Yes this means we now have TWO Kellys' in the office, I know confusing, so we are trying out a few different nick names for the two of them. KellyF, KFrame, K, Kell...yeah we are still working on that. Kristi has been trying to get Kelly R to answer to "Keller", because she is so awesome and "kills" it no matter what she is working on, but she's not having that lol.
A lot of redistribution of who handles what has been going on so we understand that it may be a little confusing as to who you need to talk to when calling in with questions or requests so here is a quick reference that may help out:
As always we are her for YOU guys, our commercial truckers and contractors. So please let us know what we can do to make things easier! Give us a call and let us know what you think, introduce your self to our newest member, or go online to Google Review and rate us.
One of the biggest changes in the office, some of you have already heard, our beloved Linda is no longer a part of our team. She has moved on to other endeavors and we wish her the best of luck! We will miss her but will always consider one of the Berrier Insurance Divas!
Now we welcome Kelly Frame into the family as a new CSR in training! Yes this means we now have TWO Kellys' in the office, I know confusing, so we are trying out a few different nick names for the two of them. KellyF, KFrame, K, Kell...yeah we are still working on that. Kristi has been trying to get Kelly R to answer to "Keller", because she is so awesome and "kills" it no matter what she is working on, but she's not having that lol.
A lot of redistribution of who handles what has been going on so we understand that it may be a little confusing as to who you need to talk to when calling in with questions or requests so here is a quick reference that may help out:
- Policy Changes/Billing Questions:
- Policy Changes/Payments/Claims:
- Certificates of Insurance:
- Quotes:
- Quotes:
As always we are her for YOU guys, our commercial truckers and contractors. So please let us know what we can do to make things easier! Give us a call and let us know what you think, introduce your self to our newest member, or go online to Google Review and rate us.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Berrier Insurance: New Commercial Truck Saftey Standards
Berrier Insurance, commercial truck insurance specialists, reports on more requirements being imposed upon the trucking industry. It seems that regardless of how new a rig is the government continues to
want the latest and greatest technology added despite costs to owners. Should the NHTSA allow either system to be installed?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is proposing a safety standard that requires all commercial trucks and buses be upgraded with electronic stability control (ESC). This new rule is the first of its kind and is targeted at all vehicles with a gross weight of more than 26,000 pounds.
It is anticipated that this new rule would go into effect as early as two years after legislation is signed. That would mean that, in addition to new regulations already requiring upgrades, owners/operators may be looking at additional expenses and/or return visits to the shop in order to meet these new standards. Additionally, the proposal for the new standards includes the addition of performance testing the new technology. Many truck manufacturers are currently installing this additional piece of equipment on new rigs; however, there are actually two types in use and the choice between systems has yet to be decided:
Fortunately, members of the public will have the opportunity to comment on the proposal after it has been published in the Federal Register or during public hearings held by the NHTSA, which has yet to be determined. For those that have a vested interest in the outcome, now is the time to make sure your voice is heard!
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is proposing a safety standard that requires all commercial trucks and buses be upgraded with electronic stability control (ESC). This new rule is the first of its kind and is targeted at all vehicles with a gross weight of more than 26,000 pounds.
It is anticipated that this new rule would go into effect as early as two years after legislation is signed. That would mean that, in addition to new regulations already requiring upgrades, owners/operators may be looking at additional expenses and/or return visits to the shop in order to meet these new standards. Additionally, the proposal for the new standards includes the addition of performance testing the new technology. Many truck manufacturers are currently installing this additional piece of equipment on new rigs; however, there are actually two types in use and the choice between systems has yet to be decided:
- ESC (electronic stability control) $1800-$2300: A system triggered when it detects roll instability that often occurs when trucks take turns too fast or maneuver too quickly plus reacts to both roll and yaw instability, this often occurs during skidding that could result in a jackknife.
- RSC (roll stability control) $800-$1600: This system is already installed in 25% of newer models and is similar in nature to ESC. However the RSC is less expensive and is only triggered when the system detects roll instability.
Fortunately, members of the public will have the opportunity to comment on the proposal after it has been published in the Federal Register or during public hearings held by the NHTSA, which has yet to be determined. For those that have a vested interest in the outcome, now is the time to make sure your voice is heard!
Free insurance quotes for your big rig with Berrier Insurance!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Berrier Insurance-Grateful For a Happy Reunion
We are happy this story had a happy ending - Berrier Insurance, commercial truck insurance specialists.
A dog accidentally left at a rest area waited there for two days before his truck-driving owner was able to locate him.
Rambo, an 9-month-old Yorkie, apparently jumped out of Michael Siau's rig when they stopped at a Missouri rest area late last week.
"Didn't even cross my mind that he might jump out—he never has before, I jumped back in the truck, put it in gear and drove off. And I just thought he was in the back asleep."
Several hours later—170 miles away in Cedar Rapids, Iowa—Siau realized Rambo was gone.
"I was freaking out," said Siau who admits he was sobbing during the ordeal "I had to calm down and think about how he could have possibly gotten out. And it came to me that was the only time that I could have got out and I wouldn't have seen him. I was just sure he was there."
But the Arkansas-based truck driver feared he'd lose his job if he turned around. He called authorities, eventually reaching a local animal control officer who went to the site on Sunday.
"Sure enough, little Rambo was there, sitting patiently." He was taken to an animal shelter in Hannibal until Siau could collect him.
According to the animal control officer, Tim Ledbetter, a family that had stopped at the rest area had offered to adopt Rambo. "In about 60 seconds, he would have been gone," Ledbetter said.
Siau returned Tuesday to pick up Rambo, who "began to whimper, tremble and squirm" when he heard his owner call his name.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Deadliest Days of Summer-Commercial Truck Insurance
Be aware commercial truckers, you may find that you really did need that extra coverage on your commercial truck insurance policy! With the longer days of summer fun also comes the darkest statistics – the summer months are the most deadly time of year for drivers and passengers. According to a 2010 AAA analysis of crash
data by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, seven of the top ten deadliest driving days of the year occur between Memorial Day and Labor Day. With July 2, 3 and 4 being the most dangerous days in
America to drive with more fatalities in this 72-hour period than any
other three-day block all year. Professional drivers, please use extra
caution with so many travelers joining you on the roads this week. Thank
you for driving safely 24/7! To find out how well you are covered, give Berrier Insurance a call! 888-472-4915
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Berrier Insurance Celebrates The Start of Summer!
Hooray! Summer officially begins on June 20, 2012, the longest day of
year in the Northern Hemisphere. A long hot day to be shopping for commercial truck insurance, luckily we have AC! This afternoon, at exactly 4:08PM PDT,
the North Pole will tilt directly toward the sun at about 23.5 degrees,
while the sun will reach its farthest distance from the equator, marking
the summer solstice. Solstice is derived from the Latin words sol, meaning "sun," and sistere,
meaning "to stand still." As the days become increasingly longer, the
sun climbs higher and higher in the sky until it appears to stand still.
Once the sun has reached its climax at the summer solstice, it will
begin to descend as the days become increasingly shorter in the Northern
Hemisphere until the winter solstice. What does this occasion mean to those around the globe and how is
it celebrated?
- In northern European countries such as Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway, the summer solstice (or midsummer, as it's often called) is referred to as the day that never ends. It's celebrated with bonfires, outdoor festivals, singing, dancing and food.
- Midsommardagen is Sweden's traditional midsummer festival, observed throughout the country and in full bloom during the month of June. On Midsummer's Eve, which is always on a Friday, young girls place nine different flowers under their pillows to dream of their future husbands, while on Midsummer's Day, flower wreaths are worn while men, women and children dance around the maypole.
- For thousands of years, the summer solstice has been worshiped and celebrated at Stonehenge, near Salisbury, England. Today, thousands of Druids and others gather at the sacred site, which is open for free to the public, to greet the rising sun on the longest day of the year. Throughout the night, people play music, perform rituals and party till dawn.
- Sunrise Celebration is an ethical living and organic arts and music festival powered by 100 percent renewable energy. Held on an organic farm in England, the festival has a site-wide organic food and drink policy and promotes a positive feeling of heartfelt gratitude. It's a celebration of summertime, community and creativity, featuring 13 music stages, performances, healing arts, crafts, talks and workshops.
- The present-day belief that June weddings are lucky can be traced back to the ancient Druids' celebration of "the wedding of Heaven and Earth" on the summer solstice. Traditionally the best time of year to harvest honey from the beehives, midsummer moon was referred to by pagans as the "honey moon," referencing the honey wine used in wedding ceremonies held on the summer solstice.
- The summer solstice is a magical time in Latvia when traditional folk customs are brought to life on Jani, the country's most beloved holiday. Also known as Grass Day, Jani is celebrated in the countryside, and flower and oak leaf wreaths are hung everywhere. As tradition goes, you must stay awake all night on the eve of Jani, and folks gather around huge bonfires to sing the customary Ligo ("sway") songs and eat homemade caraway cheese.
- New York welcomes summer with a collective ohm in the middle of Times Square. On June 20, thousands of participants will roll out their yoga mats at The Crossroads of the World to celebrate the longest day of the year with an all-day yoga fest. Free classes will be held from 7:30AM to 8:30PM, along with musical performances, lectures, giveaways and more!
- Since 1974, Santa Barbara, Calif., puts on an extravagant summer solstice parade, complete with over-the-top floats, flamboyant costumes,
brilliant dance ensembles, creative street performers and eclectic
music. But unlike other parades, this one is about getting back to
basics; even the floats are man-powered. This year's theme, "Fantasy,"
promises not to disappoint.
No need for a pilgrimage to stage your own summer solstice celebration. Pull from any of the above traditions or start your own: Pick wildflowers, tend to your garden, watch the sunrise, have a picnic, dance around a sacred fire, and gather with friends and family on the longest day of the year. Not your thing? Then how about taking those extra hours of hot sunshine to shop for some new commercial truck insurance with Berrier Insurance!! Give us a call 888.472.4915
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Trucker Survey-Favorite Insurance Agency: Berrier Insurance!
Berrier Insurance, truck insurance specialists, would love to share with you this amazing new survey!
Today's road warriors are health-conscious, more connected thanks to technology and still loyal to their perennial favorites like Dunkin' Donuts, Subway, Super 8 and Bridgestone, according to a new survey of Atlas Van Lines drivers. Now in its eighth year, Atlas Van Lines' King of the Road Survey provides insights from the moving company's drivers on their preferred brands, use of technology and how they stay healthy while logging miles. These findings, and many more insights from life on the road, are unveiled in the survey. Here are just some of the company’s findings:

Taking strides to stay healthy on the road. Fifty-seven percent of respondents revealed that eating right is the biggest challenge of life on the road. However, the survey indicates that drivers are doing their best to maintain a healthy diet, as fresh fruit was named the drivers' favorite snack, and 71 percent reported drinking water throughout the day. For the sixth consecutive year, Subway remains the favorite fast food chain while nine percent of Atlas' drivers reported avoiding fast food altogether. Nearly one-third state that exercising is the most difficult part to life on the road, but 27 percent of drivers strive to stay in shape by walking or running at truck stops. Seventy-nine percent report moving furniture on the job serves as a great exercise for them.

Respondents picked Petro’s Iron Skillet as their favorite restaurant. Cracker Barrel, Golden Corral, Longhorn Steakhouse and Outback Steakhouse tied for second and Red Lobster came in third. The company did not provide percentages of votes in this category.
Asked about their most unique haul, drivers included Elvis Presley’s Mercedes-Benz and John Lennon’s Steinway Concert Grand Piano. One driver even reported carrying a 4,000-year-old mummy. Others reported having loaded the Declaration of Independence and the Shroud of Turin exhibit. Other more unusual cargo included life-size wooden statues of Jesus and his apostles and an antique British phone booth.

Drivers are more connected than ever with technology. In the past three years, smartphone usage amongst drivers has increased from 14 to 60 percent. Drivers also mentioned that using technology like Skype and FaceTime makes it easier to stay in touch with family while on the road. Three-fourths of drivers go online daily; more than three-fourths of drivers check email daily, and more than half of drivers check social networking sites daily. Computer usage while on the road has nearly doubled over the past three years, with 65 percent of drivers indicating they use a computer daily. Verizon Wireless is the preferred wireless network amongst drivers, and the iPhone is the drivers' favorite smartphone. Favorite brands and other highway essentials include:
I think we can add one more to this list: Favorite Insurance Company- Berrier Insurance!!! :)
Today's road warriors are health-conscious, more connected thanks to technology and still loyal to their perennial favorites like Dunkin' Donuts, Subway, Super 8 and Bridgestone, according to a new survey of Atlas Van Lines drivers. Now in its eighth year, Atlas Van Lines' King of the Road Survey provides insights from the moving company's drivers on their preferred brands, use of technology and how they stay healthy while logging miles. These findings, and many more insights from life on the road, are unveiled in the survey. Here are just some of the company’s findings:
Taking strides to stay healthy on the road. Fifty-seven percent of respondents revealed that eating right is the biggest challenge of life on the road. However, the survey indicates that drivers are doing their best to maintain a healthy diet, as fresh fruit was named the drivers' favorite snack, and 71 percent reported drinking water throughout the day. For the sixth consecutive year, Subway remains the favorite fast food chain while nine percent of Atlas' drivers reported avoiding fast food altogether. Nearly one-third state that exercising is the most difficult part to life on the road, but 27 percent of drivers strive to stay in shape by walking or running at truck stops. Seventy-nine percent report moving furniture on the job serves as a great exercise for them.
Respondents picked Petro’s Iron Skillet as their favorite restaurant. Cracker Barrel, Golden Corral, Longhorn Steakhouse and Outback Steakhouse tied for second and Red Lobster came in third. The company did not provide percentages of votes in this category.
Asked about their most unique haul, drivers included Elvis Presley’s Mercedes-Benz and John Lennon’s Steinway Concert Grand Piano. One driver even reported carrying a 4,000-year-old mummy. Others reported having loaded the Declaration of Independence and the Shroud of Turin exhibit. Other more unusual cargo included life-size wooden statues of Jesus and his apostles and an antique British phone booth.
Drivers are more connected than ever with technology. In the past three years, smartphone usage amongst drivers has increased from 14 to 60 percent. Drivers also mentioned that using technology like Skype and FaceTime makes it easier to stay in touch with family while on the road. Three-fourths of drivers go online daily; more than three-fourths of drivers check email daily, and more than half of drivers check social networking sites daily. Computer usage while on the road has nearly doubled over the past three years, with 65 percent of drivers indicating they use a computer daily. Verizon Wireless is the preferred wireless network amongst drivers, and the iPhone is the drivers' favorite smartphone. Favorite brands and other highway essentials include:
- Favorite fast food: Subway
- Best coffee:Dunkin' Donuts
- Favorite hotel chain: Super 8
- Best truck stop chain: Petro
- State with the best rest stops: Florida
- Most effective antacid: Tums
- Best tires: Bridgestone
- Favorite motor oil: Shell Rotella
- Best tractor: Kenworth
I think we can add one more to this list: Favorite Insurance Company- Berrier Insurance!!! :)
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